how manage users and user roles wordpress p9



how to add users and change user roles in wordpress ,intro of wordpress user roles
The five default wordpress user roles are:
1.Administrator– Has access to all administrative options and features.
2.Editor – Can manage and publish posts. …
3.Author – Can publish their own posts when they wish.
4.Contributor – Can write posts but cannot publish them.
5.Subscriber – Has basic functionality such as changing
their profile and leaving comments.
-overview of non administrator users gui preview.
-change users profile and settings
-change user admin appearance and color scheme
-how to hide visual editor when writing
-how change user picture or user personal information wordpress
-how press this tools works in wordpress
this video has answers of all these above’s questions.


users and user roles in wordpress,overview of users role type gui preview.
,users profile,user appearance,press this tools works in wordpress.