how to create dynamic menu in wordpress custom theme part 2of2



how to create a Custom navigation Menu in WordPress?
-last tutorial we discussed how to create a WordPress Theme From Static HTML (for recap go to bottom **  Recap **)
-make blog page and set new custom home page for front page
-Creating a Custom navigation Menu in WordPress
-use of wp_nav_menu() function to display custom menu
-styling of wordpress pages heading (use of the_title() function)
-overview of our theme files(which we replicate from 2016 theme) we will discuss these files one by one .
That all if you have any query you can feel free to ask


how to create a Custom navigation Menu in WordPress?,overview of wordpress theme files,Developing Your First WordPress Theme,wordpress custom theme and menu
*********************  Recap *********************
Creating a WordPress Theme From Static HTML(Responsive bootstrap template)
-make replica folder of twentysixteen(default theme)  and change name as your new wordpress theme name
-set wordpress theme thumbnail and description
– slice html template into 3 parts for header.php,siderbar.php,footer.php
-use wp_head() and wp_footer() hook for header and footer plus introduction of hook(what is hook and why we use hook in wordpress)
-use of get_template_directory_uri() function for making css,jss and other resources as absolute path  (with relative to site url +theme dir path )
-make images and hyper link path as absolute path  (with relative to site url +theme dir path+img dir )
–  use of esc_url( home_url( ‘/’ ) ) function to get wordpress site url for link with site logo

what’s next tutorial ?

how to make simple plugin in wordpress?